Nov 19, 2010

Distilled Art

In 1992, a research scientist named Michael Davidson stumbled upon a genius idea right under his nose - literally. In his 25 year career through the many facets of microscopy, he had taken photographs under the microscope of a collection of items - DNA, biochemicals and vitamins.

Looking for novel ways to fund his Florida State University lab, Davidson decided to take his microphotographs to businesses for possible commercial opportunities. While presenting his pictures to established retail companies, one necktie manufacturer changed his creative direction with just one word – cocktails.



The process consist of letting a droplet of liquor dry out completely on a slide in an airtight container, and photographing the result with a 35mm camera. The entire process can take up to three months and as many as 200 attempts to properly capture the drink's constituent parts.

Cocktails can have fruit and soft drinks in them which contain citric acids and complex sugars which dry out well and look great photographed.
 english pale lager

The incredible shapes and colours of the boozy artwork are highlighted by shining natural light on top and through the bottom of the slide. Just like images of snowflakes, each drink is different.
 english pure brewed lager

 vodka tonic

 pina colada


 dry martini


1 comment:

  1. Ja sam za English Pale Lager, Dragonslayer za Dry Martini...super su crttezi!!!
