Nov 3, 2010

Demon's Claws

Demon's Claws
The Defrosting Of... [In The Red,2010]

Montreal's most delirious band - part Gun Club, part Back from the Grave, part lo-fi distorted crunch, part young Mick Jagger with a mouth full of pills, all delivered with a weird, backwoods creepiness. The Defrosting Of... solidifies their earnest ambition to stomp their Americana-tinged blues-punk death trip into submission.

Basically, The Demon’s Claws are a southern garage rock band, with other genres thrown in for good measure. Also included in the band’s sound are elements of psychedelia, swing, and blues. They alternate between a few different song types, allowing for experimentation in different aspects of the above genres. Slow southern drawls, fast-paced southern punk songs, and other bluesier endeavors make up all of The Defrosting Of… And it all makes for one hell of a listen.
The album lashes out, making its point right from the very beginning. A twangy, lo-fi recording style makes itself apparent, lending its hand to the genius of the musicians. Although a bit repetitive, “Fed From Her Hand”, the first song on the album, houses a little bit of every sound, setting the listener up for an evil trip through the hot and humid south.
As different southern hot sauces sting the mouth and weird hicks are met along the road, an entire understanding of punk and blues and rock is showcased by the ass-kicking musicians on this record. On songs like “Catch Her By The Tail” and “Anny Lou”, the guitar work distorts just like something off of a Neil Young and Crazy Horse effort. In contrast, the guitar mingles and floats on a track like “Fucked On Ketamine”, but the genuine southern air is never lost in translation. An array of drum workings are heard as well. Everything from fast punk blasts to war-like marching beats and bluesier tappings allow for diversity to shine through. The Defrosting Of… seems to only get better as it progresses, leaving the last five songs, “Trip To The Clinic” through “You’ll Always Be My Friend”, to be savored after every single listen.
The Defrosting Of… brings southern punk one step closer to being recognized by mainstream crowds.

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