May 17, 2012

Parlovr – Kook Soul (2012)

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Stepping off the banks and wading into the river of sonic possibility, Parlovr revive and imagine the old as new again. Anyone who has experienced a flood knows the disorienting nature of high water as it changes the surrounding landscape; the current carries things you recognize but are, in essence, ownerless. I have rolled up my pant-legs and searched for high ground to gain perspective on the rising rumble coming from the album, Kook Soul.

Damp with memories of golden hits, the perspiration of Elton John and the Zombies comes to mind with the opening track “Do you Remember?” as it maneuvers around a hook. Fuzz bass and roomy falsetto vocals are tied to the sound of this album, tangling a gasp of fresh air out of the silt of found influences. Tempo keeping keys, easy-going melodies, and punctuating drums float through “Fisticuffs and Affidavits” while running vocals and organ leads the way through “Now that you’re gone”.
With some distance from the elevating volume of Kook Soul I can sit comfortably and see highlights like “4000” and “You only want it cause you’re lonely” and see this flood as a welcome rejuvenation this spring. This album could carry you away if you were caught standing in the right place.

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