Oct 10, 2011

Papa – A Good Woman Is Hard To Find (2011)

Daren Weiss, bubnjar benda Girls izbacio je fantastican ep,
bolji je nego zadnji Girls i s nestrpljenjem se ceka album!
 Cristophere cuvaj se!!!

Romantic song-slingers PAPA are pleased to unveil their limited edition 12″ vinyl EP A Good Woman Is Hard To Find EP, available today on Hit City USA in conjunction with Psychedelic Judaism. The EP is streaming in its entirety courtesy of our friends over at Spinner. As previously announced, PAPA is currently on a national tour supporting Girls. 

There’s a poetic purity that runs through PAPA’s punk-meets-soul album, A Good Woman is Hard to Find, suggesting devious truths and well told lies. Singer and drummer Darren Weiss‘ earnest vibrato often takes on a Springsteen-like growl in its best moments while in each song’s groove a dangerous sexiness lives. A Good Woman is Hard to Find is an album as ripe for romance as it is partying. It has moments of aggression and simple bliss, with a classic sense of harmony, melody and style. It’s a modern, rough-and-tumble take on classic soul.
With the help of Weiss’ musical partner, friend-since-childhood, bassist Danny Presant, the tracks gain a hip-hop sensibility that separates PAPA from simple revivalists and instead into timeless territory. It’s an exacting and revelatory ode to what’s wrong with modern romance but what won’t stop one from giving it another go.

Steta, nema jos uvek dobrog klipa...

CRYBABY Presents PAPA - "Aint It So" from CRYBABY Presents on Vimeo.


  1. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Glas, melodija, srce ... Spas za ovu jesen!

  2. ovo sto sam cuo je sjajno! sad preslusavam ceo ep na soundcloudu.

  3. Ovim treba da se pocinje svaki dan...
