Oct 28, 2011

Daughter – The Wild Youth EP (2011)

London-based singer-songwriter Elena Tonra has put a lot of effort into expanding and diversifying her sound recently, which has seen her music as Daughter evolve from more traditional acoustic leanings to a fuller, more elecronic-tinged aesthetic.
Growing up in a quiet part of north London in the 90’s, Daughter (Elena Tonra) spent her days listening to her parent’s vinyl collections and older brother’s rock CDs. She later discovered the beauty of acoustic and folk inspired music and started to create stories and poems which formed the skeletons of her songs.

Wearing clothes that old people may well have died in, and a bowl-cut the Beatles would be proud of, Daughter tells tales of ghosts, drowning lovers and setting fire to her insides for fun. Daughter’s haunting voice and delicate guitar playing make her live performances spell-binding and often difficult to breathe. She talks about unrequited love, lost hope and death… in the prettiest way imaginable.

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