Jul 18, 2014

8-Ball (Aku Louhimies, 2013)

Finnish film directed by Aku Louhimies and based on a crime novel Elävien kirjoihin by Marko Kivi. It tells a story of a single mother Pike (Jessica Grabowsky) who, having just been released from prison, is trying to start her life anew. When her former boyfriend Lalli (Eero Aho) comes back from abroad, it opens a window into a past that Pike wants to put behind her.

Pike was released from prison in the little girl's mother. Gone is the tattered past, in the face of uncertainty. Pike has decided to catch a new life, there is no more room for error.

Returning from abroad, a former boyfriend Lalli messes up Pike's plans. Lalli brings passion, but at the same time to open a window to the past, to which Pike no longer want to go back.

Pike would like to use the opportunity for a new life. The past can not go back and can not be forgotten. The future will have to face.
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