May 18, 2011

Too Beautiful for You, Bertrand Blier (1990)

Originally titled TROP BELLE POUR TOI, French filmmaker Bertrand Blier's Too Beautiful for You takes several unexpected side trips while exploring its basic romantic-triangle plotline. Successful business executive and family man Gerard Depardieu falls hopelessly in love with his secretary Josiane Balasko. Flying in the face of motion picture convention, Depardieu's wife Carole Bouquet is drop-dead gorgeous, while Balasko is chubby and long in tooth! Further confounding the audience (in a most entertaining fashion) is the presence of Bouquet in a secondary role, as Balasko's woebegone neighbor. We don't know how he does it, but director Blier invests his funniest scenes in Too Beautiful for You with profound melancholy, while stirring up gales of laughter in the serious portions.

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