Sobrenadar is the project of Argentinian Paula Garcia, and this is her EP Physeos released today by Absent Fever, whom we featured before re: Kynan’s I Will Count The Stars. Physeos is kind of like a more washed out Washed Out. The sounds are as gigantically blissful as Garcia’s reassuring voice; it sounds like a perfect day. Boom. And you can get it for free from the Absent Feevs bandcamp.
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Sobrenadar – Physeos [EP] (2011)
Sobrenadar is the project of Argentinian Paula Garcia, and this is her EP Physeos released today by Absent Fever, whom we featured before re: Kynan’s I Will Count The Stars. Physeos is kind of like a more washed out Washed Out. The sounds are as gigantically blissful as Garcia’s reassuring voice; it sounds like a perfect day. Boom. And you can get it for free from the Absent Feevs bandcamp.