Feb 23, 2011

Lift To Experience -Peel Session(30.4.2001)

Voznja Do Neba I Nazad, Svracanje Do Pakla Na Minut...

Here is the band's one and only session for the Peel show, recording in April 2001. Enjoy.
Poor old Lift To Experience fans. One solitary stinkingly superb album, and then split. Not fair is it?

After forming all the way back in 1996 in Denton, Texas, vocalist/guitarist Josh T. Pearson, bassist Josh Browning and drummer Andy Young, took five whole years to finally get around to releasing their only album, the stunning The Texas-Jerusalem Crossroads. And then they split. Forever. Frontman Pearson is now of course embarking on a solo career (songs can be heard at his myspak), which from what i've heard looks to be just as promising as his initial splash of genius.

1 comment:

  1. I can't find the download link for those peel sessions you talk about... Am I missing something?
