Robyn Hitchcock is one of England's most enduring contemporary singer/songwriters and live performers. Despite having been persistently branded as eccentric or quirky for much of his career,
Hitchcock has continued to develop his whimsical repertoire, deepen his surreal catalog, and expand his devoted audience beyond the boundaries of cult stature. He is among alternative rock's father figures and is the closest thing the genre has to a
Bob Dylan (not coincidentally his biggest inspiration).
Hype City Records, an independent Norwegian Record label, will release a new collection of songs by Robyn Hitchcock on April 8th, entitled TROMSØ, KAPTEIN on LP and CD. Produced by Paul Noble, the record features 8 new RH compositions as well as a re-recording of ‘Raining Twilight Coast’ from EYE and a new Norwegian language version of GOODNIGHT OSL