Novi Omiljeni bend,Victoria British Columbia Canada...Ep stvoren za jesen, ali je dobar i za
Melanholicno Prolece...Malo je reci da sam Zaljubljen u ovaj EP...bjutiful!!!
Conceived just out of high school, mutating numerous times under various personas, Man Made Lake erupted for the first time in the non-typical setting of Communist China. It was here that front-man, Colin Craveiro, keyboardist, Nate Bailey, and former lead-guitarist, Sean Morton, played the part of kindergarten teachers. They soon met Cole Waidley, and convinced him to pick up the bass and fill the needed role for their band. It seemed kismet when their globe-trotting paths came across local Chinese punk-rocker, Wu Wei, who would later introduce the boys to drummer Lao Song, and Man Made Lake would be complete.
With Bryce Jackson on drums, and Morgan Farquhar accompanying on violin, MML have proven the concept of reincarnation with this tremendous re-birth. Building upon the organic mystique of their 2009 album, Drink from the Sea, and their revolutionized, made-in-china, self-titled album of 2010, the masses are surely ready for Man Made Lake’s most recent EP, which will be released 01-04-2011
PRELEPOPRELEPOPRELEPO!!! A She Wouldn't Dance se slusa samo vise puta u nizu :)