Feb 28, 2011
Feb 27, 2011
Ride - Nowhere : 20th Anniversary Edition
Ride - Nowhere : 20th Anniversary Edition
Oxfords quartet Ride quickly rose to prominence in 1989, driven by the chart success of its first three EPs, the intensity of its live shows, and a hypnotic and moody sound that presaged alt-rock’s ascendance. In October 1990, the band released its first full album Nowhere, a tour de force of intertwining guitars, intimate but otherworldly vocals, and open-ended lyrics. Two decades later, the album still resonates and remains one of the era’s high-water marks.
Oxfords quartet Ride quickly rose to prominence in 1989, driven by the chart success of its first three EPs, the intensity of its live shows, and a hypnotic and moody sound that presaged alt-rock’s ascendance. In October 1990, the band released its first full album Nowhere, a tour de force of intertwining guitars, intimate but otherworldly vocals, and open-ended lyrics. Two decades later, the album still resonates and remains one of the era’s high-water marks.
Feb 26, 2011
Montreal Main, Frank Vitale (1974)
The relationship between an artist-photographer and a 14-year-old boy provides the basis for this semi-documentary set in the bohemian section of Montreal. The actors use their real names, and much of the story is improvised as it follows the friendship between the two. When the boy's parents (the actor's real parents) begin to get suspicious as to the nature of the relationship, they begin trying to break it up.
Full of equivocal relationships, "Montreal Main" constructs a world of moral ambivalence. On one level, it is a love story, exploring, as Natalie Edwards wrote at the time, " the diversity of sexuality, the shades and shifts lying inherent and unacknowledged in all people." On another level, it extends outwards towards allegory—towards a philosophical investigation of the world. Fragmented in style, swish-panning its way from close-up to close-up, Erich Bloch's camerawork creates a sense of hysterical excitement. Re-enforcing the improvisational nature of the action, the grab-shot technique suggests a world in which attention is uncertain and perception unclear. Lacking parsable narrative sequences, the style perfectly parallels the feelings of isolation that a clutch of gays might have felt at the time in a straight world or that Anglophones might have felt within a culture that was becoming insistently francophone.
Sean Rowe – Magic (2011)
Sean Rowe would captivate listeners no matter what he was singing. His deep, rumbling baritone delivers tales of lives held in suspension, people balanced between night and day, darkness and light, life and death. Which is not to say Rowe’s songs are negative or downhearted. They’re just brief, impressionistic snapshots of this world we live in, full of muted joy and sorrow.
With two exceptions, the tunes on Magic are played at almost funereal tempos. “Wrong Side of the Bed”, a bluesy dyspeptic rocker with a sharply ironic lyric, builds up to an anguished howling fadeout, while “Jonathan” has a jazzy R&B feel and uses an accelerating tempo and intensifying volume to deliver a grim tale of lovers meeting their end in a car crash fueled by rage and alcohol. The rest of the songs are less dramatic, dealing with the ordinary losses of everyday life and a more measured approach.
With two exceptions, the tunes on Magic are played at almost funereal tempos. “Wrong Side of the Bed”, a bluesy dyspeptic rocker with a sharply ironic lyric, builds up to an anguished howling fadeout, while “Jonathan” has a jazzy R&B feel and uses an accelerating tempo and intensifying volume to deliver a grim tale of lovers meeting their end in a car crash fueled by rage and alcohol. The rest of the songs are less dramatic, dealing with the ordinary losses of everyday life and a more measured approach.
Feb 25, 2011
Middle Brother – Middle Brother (2011)
I'll be Daydreaming For So Long...All My True Friends Can Call Me Wilderness...
Deckic iz Deer Tick-a i Drugari Pevaju Na Sav Glas!!!
After chance collaborations over the years, folk-rock supergroup Middle Brother, briefly known as MG&V, officially came together in 2009. A trio of frontmen consisting of Deer Tick’s John McCauley, Dawes’ Taylor Goldsmith, and Delta Spirit’s Matthew Vasquez, Middle Brother have a sound that's dreamy and plaintive, pulling together aspects of the bandmembers' other work to create a unified sonic vision.
Feb 24, 2011
Feb 23, 2011
Slučaj Čarlsa Dekstera Vorda, Hauard Lavkraft, Logos,2007
Naslov originala: The Case of Charles Dexer Word / H. P. Lovecraft
Slučaj Čarlsa Dekstera Vorda (engl. The Case of Charles Dexter Ward) je roman američkog pisca Hauarda Filipsa Lavkrafta, jedan od najboljih klasičnih romana strave i užasa nastalih u 20. veku. Kratak roman, koji je objavljen tek nakon piščeve smrti, bavi se iskonskim poreklom strave koja je nepojmljiva običnom čoveku.
Roman počinje naizgled nevažnom vešću o tome kako je iz privatne bolnice za umobolne u blizini Providensa nestao pacijent po imenu Čarls Dekster Vord. U nastavku prvog poglavlja, porodični lekar porodice Vord, dr Vilet govori o tome šta je jednog bezbrižnog mladića, koji je bio zaluđen antikvitetima i najveći deo slobodnog vremena provodio u besciljnim šetnjama i prekopavanju po spisima u gradskoj biblioteci, oteralo u ludilo. Nebrojeni sati koje je mladi Vord proveo u biblioteci Gradske većnice, u narodnoj biblioteci, Istorijskom udruženju i drugim mestima u kojima je imao pristup starim spisima u traganju za geneološkim podacima, urodili su plodom. Mladi Vord otkrio je među precima svoje majke izvesnog dugovečnog čoveka po imenu Džozef Karven, koji je iz Salema došao u Providens u martu 1692. god.
Slučaj Čarlsa Dekstera Vorda (engl. The Case of Charles Dexter Ward) je roman američkog pisca Hauarda Filipsa Lavkrafta, jedan od najboljih klasičnih romana strave i užasa nastalih u 20. veku. Kratak roman, koji je objavljen tek nakon piščeve smrti, bavi se iskonskim poreklom strave koja je nepojmljiva običnom čoveku.
Roman počinje naizgled nevažnom vešću o tome kako je iz privatne bolnice za umobolne u blizini Providensa nestao pacijent po imenu Čarls Dekster Vord. U nastavku prvog poglavlja, porodični lekar porodice Vord, dr Vilet govori o tome šta je jednog bezbrižnog mladića, koji je bio zaluđen antikvitetima i najveći deo slobodnog vremena provodio u besciljnim šetnjama i prekopavanju po spisima u gradskoj biblioteci, oteralo u ludilo. Nebrojeni sati koje je mladi Vord proveo u biblioteci Gradske većnice, u narodnoj biblioteci, Istorijskom udruženju i drugim mestima u kojima je imao pristup starim spisima u traganju za geneološkim podacima, urodili su plodom. Mladi Vord otkrio je među precima svoje majke izvesnog dugovečnog čoveka po imenu Džozef Karven, koji je iz Salema došao u Providens u martu 1692. god.
Izgubljeno u prevodu, Eva Hofman, Geopoetika,2002
Autobiografska priča Eve Hofman, nekadašnjeg urednika New York Times Rewiew, već će samim naslovom prvog poglavlja u knjizi razuvjeriti sve one koji očekuju još jednu predvidljivu imigrantsku storiju o toliko željenom bijegu iz Istočne Evrope. Autorka je, bez tračka ironije, prvi dio svog pripovijedanja koji opisuje njeno djetinstvo u post-ratnoj Poljskoj, u kojoj je, i u mirnodopskim vremenima i bez pomoći Njemačke, jako izražen antisemitizam, jednostavno i upečatljivo, nazvala "Raj". U njemu se Hofmanova, namjerno idealizujući, prisjeća odrastanja u jevrejskoj porodici u poslijeratnom, razrušenom Krakovu, u, na neki način, tada šizofrenom poljskom društvu, pod okriljem nove komunističke vlasti.
Feb 22, 2011
izvor: juznevesti
U četvrtak, 24. februara, u Maloj sali NKC-a na Paliluli biće održano predavanje o velikom američkom piscu Vilijamu Barouzu (William S. Burroughs, 1914-1997). Povod je izlazak novog broja časopisa GRADAC posvećenog ovom piscu. Temat je priredio Dejan Ognjanović, koji će govoriti o Barouzu.
Ljubiteljima književnosti kultnu figuru kakva je Barouz ne treba posebno predstavljati: njegova popularnost danas, preko jedne decenije nakon njegove smrti, veća je nego dok je bio živ. Vilijam Barouz je pisac čiji je značaj u svetskim okvirima u velikoj nesrazmeri sa dostupnošću njegovih dela (kao i napisa o njemu) u ovdašnjoj književnoj periodici. Ovo je zgodna prilika da se nešto više kaže i pokaže o njemu.
Razgovor će biti ilustrovan insertima iz igranih i dokumentarnih filmova i intervjua sa Barouzom i o Barouzu.
Dešavanje počinje u 19h.
U četvrtak, 24. februara, u Maloj sali NKC-a na Paliluli biće održano predavanje o velikom američkom piscu Vilijamu Barouzu (William S. Burroughs, 1914-1997). Povod je izlazak novog broja časopisa GRADAC posvećenog ovom piscu. Temat je priredio Dejan Ognjanović, koji će govoriti o Barouzu.
Ljubiteljima književnosti kultnu figuru kakva je Barouz ne treba posebno predstavljati: njegova popularnost danas, preko jedne decenije nakon njegove smrti, veća je nego dok je bio živ. Vilijam Barouz je pisac čiji je značaj u svetskim okvirima u velikoj nesrazmeri sa dostupnošću njegovih dela (kao i napisa o njemu) u ovdašnjoj književnoj periodici. Ovo je zgodna prilika da se nešto više kaže i pokaže o njemu.
Razgovor će biti ilustrovan insertima iz igranih i dokumentarnih filmova i intervjua sa Barouzom i o Barouzu.
Dešavanje počinje u 19h.
Feb 21, 2011
"najplemenitiji" film u poslednje vreme
Director : Benoît Delépine, Gustave Kervern [2010]
Cast : Gérard Depardieu, Yolande Moreau, Isabelle Adjani
"najplemenitiji" film u poslednje vreme
Serge (Gérard Depardieu) is an abattoir worker who retires only to find that he doesn't have a pension and needs to track down paperwork from his former employers. Hitting the road on his Mammuth bike, he has a series of variously humiliating and inspiring encounters - including a reunion with a long-lost cousin, the cue for one of the most outrageous sight gags in recent cinema.
On Tour [Tournée]
On Tour [Tournée]
Directed by : Mathieu Amalric [2010]
"najljubavniji" film u poslednje vreme...
Joachim, a former Parisian television producer had left everything behind - his children, friends, enemies, lovers and regrets to start a new life in America. But he returns with a team of New Burlesque strip-tease performers whom he has filled with romantic dreams of a tour of France, of Paris!
Directed by : Mathieu Amalric [2010]
"najljubavniji" film u poslednje vreme...
Joachim, a former Parisian television producer had left everything behind - his children, friends, enemies, lovers and regrets to start a new life in America. But he returns with a team of New Burlesque strip-tease performers whom he has filled with romantic dreams of a tour of France, of Paris!
Secret défense, Jacques Rivette (1998)
Innovative director Jacques Rivette created the memorable, multi-leveled classic Celine and Julie Go Boating (1974), seemingly the inspiration for Susan Seidelman's Desperately Seeking Susan (1985). Rivette generates a far-different mood in this French-Swiss-Italian murder mystery. Medical researcher Sylvie (Sandrine Bonnaire) is keeping late lab hours when she catches her brother Paul (Gregoire Colin) with her gun. Having discovered a five-year-old photo with new evidence of their father's death, Paul wants to kill Walser (Jerzy Radziwilowicz), who now heads their dad's high-tech company. To protect Paul, Sylvie decides to kill Walser herself, and she boards the train for Walser's country estate. But is Walser guilty?
Feb 20, 2011
Feb 19, 2011
Our Day Will Come (Romain Gavras, 2010)
Cekajuci Godoa, Sjjjebanog 21.Veka...
Redheaded teen Rémy (Olivier Barthélémy) is bullied by his soccer teammates and drawn into fights with his younger sister and mother in their cramped apartment. After a flare-up of domestic violence, he flees home and is tracked down by a bitter guidance counsellor, Patrick (Vincent Cassel), also a redhead. Patrick looks upon Rémy’s sullen insolence with both sympathy and disdain and decides to toughen him up. The two redheads realize that they are out of place in twenty-first century France.
Mare Kandre
Mare Kandre
"Bibinino dete"
RENDE [2011]
Radnja romana Bibinino dete jednako je neuhvatljiva kao „radnja“ neke zbirke poezije. Na konkretnom planu Mare Kandre piše o Kindhen, devojčici u pubertetu, koja živi u kući okruženoj bujnom baštom. Mesto radnje veoma je izolovano i Kindhen ne mari za spoljašnji svet. Likovi oko nje su Bibin, Ujka i Dete.
Radnja je, međutim, sporedna, a jezik je na prvom mestu. Ono što vas odmah, nakon prvih rečenica obuzme je melanholična, mračna atmosfera, monotonija. Kratke rečenice tekstu daju određeni ritam i pobožnu, biblijsku atmosferu. Afekti, neko prigušeno uzbuđenje jedino je što unosi energiju u tekst. To je izraz Kindhenine samoodbrane i želje za životom. Tekst može da se tumači na bezbroj načina i u tome je njegova veličina.
"Bibinino dete"
RENDE [2011]
Radnja romana Bibinino dete jednako je neuhvatljiva kao „radnja“ neke zbirke poezije. Na konkretnom planu Mare Kandre piše o Kindhen, devojčici u pubertetu, koja živi u kući okruženoj bujnom baštom. Mesto radnje veoma je izolovano i Kindhen ne mari za spoljašnji svet. Likovi oko nje su Bibin, Ujka i Dete.
Radnja je, međutim, sporedna, a jezik je na prvom mestu. Ono što vas odmah, nakon prvih rečenica obuzme je melanholična, mračna atmosfera, monotonija. Kratke rečenice tekstu daju određeni ritam i pobožnu, biblijsku atmosferu. Afekti, neko prigušeno uzbuđenje jedino je što unosi energiju u tekst. To je izraz Kindhenine samoodbrane i želje za životom. Tekst može da se tumači na bezbroj načina i u tome je njegova veličina.
Feb 18, 2011
Danny Schmidt - Man of Many Moons (2011)
Austin folk-singer Danny Schmidt has emerged as one of the most revered songwriters in acoustic music with his distinctive songwriting style and captivating performances. Man of Many Moons, his second Red House Records release, is nothing short of an acoustic masterpiece. The eleven songs were recorded with simplicity and minimal production creating a mood of intimacy allowing Danny's guitar playing and poetic lyricism to carry the power of the record.
On Man of Many Moons, Danny's songs dance around the theme of personal evolution and a complicated relationship with commitment. The album begins and ends with songs of self-discovery ("Houses Sing" and "Know Thy Place") and in between moves through the personally conscious to the socially conscious--from the devastatingly honest title track to the playfully political "Guilty By Association Blues." Full of humor and revelation, Man of Many Moons is an album about challenging some of life's difficult rough edges.
On Man of Many Moons, Danny's songs dance around the theme of personal evolution and a complicated relationship with commitment. The album begins and ends with songs of self-discovery ("Houses Sing" and "Know Thy Place") and in between moves through the personally conscious to the socially conscious--from the devastatingly honest title track to the playfully political "Guilty By Association Blues." Full of humor and revelation, Man of Many Moons is an album about challenging some of life's difficult rough edges.
Radiohead - Lotus Flower
...dva albuma godine u istoj nedelji...to je previse..
skidajte radiohead odmahhhh
Feb 17, 2011
Heidi Spencer & The Rare Birds - Under Streetlight Glow (2011)
Heidi Spencer, a singer-songwriter and film school graduate from Milwaukee, has been quietly touring and recording for years under most radars, but now that she's been picked up by the estimable Bella Union for her UK debut album, (the label counts Fleet Foxes, Midlake and Beach House among its charges) her delicate, unhurried country-folk is going to reach many more ears. She has a girlish, sweet voice that's nicely edged with rasp – it's an appealing mix and one well suited to a collection of songs about yearning. Yearning, though, can be a drag: for all the agility and feeling of Spencer's voice, Under Streetlight Glow is not without some pretty torpid longueurs
East River Pipe – We Live In Rented Rooms (2011)
Review from The Guardian
East River Pipe’s F M Cornog is one of the most neglected songwriters operating in America today.
Working entirely solo on a primitive home-studio in his spare time, he constructs poignant settings of guitar, piano, drum-machine and string-synth pads for songs whose achingly beautiful melodies and understated delivery mask sometimes bitter sentiments. He’s like a more blue-collar Leonard Cohen, minus the lothario charm. This features his familiar cast of low-lifes, hustlers and losers, from the spurned lover gloating over “Payback Time”, to the self-made victim of “Conman”. The most complex being the subject of “Tommy Made a Movie”, so twisted by internet porn he has to keep his movie “locked inside his head”. Yet as wretched as his characters often are, Cornog always affords them the dignity of their own volition.
Feb 16, 2011
Arbouretum – The Gathering (2011)
These Baltimore psych-rockers’ fourth album is apparently based on Carl Jung’s Red Book, in which the psychoanalyst turned his gaze inward to document that which “burst forth from the unconscious” – which, in Jung’s case, turned out to be snakes, strange landscapes, wise old spirit guides, that sort of thing. And so from one set of faintly mystical archetypes to another: for it is vintage psych-blues riffs and mid-paced wig-outs that have burst forth from Arbouretum singer-guitarist Dave Heumann’s consciousness here.
The Sweet Hereafter (Atom Egoyan, 1997)
A small community is torn apart by a tragic accident which kills most of the town's children. A lawyer visits the victims' parents in order to profit from the tragedy by stirring up the their anger and launching a class action suit against anyone they can blame. The community is paralyzed by its anger and cannot let go. All but one young girl, left in a wheelchair after the accident, who finds the courage to lead the way to the sweet hereafter.
PJ Harvey @ Maroquinerie, Paris 14.02.2011
1. Let England Shake
2. The Words That Maketh Murder
3. All & Everyone
4. The Glorious Land
5. The Last Living Rose
6. Bitter Branches
Feb 15, 2011
Samoubistvo nevinosti
Džefri Judžinidis
Izdavac : BOOKA,2011
Kritičari su odmah nahvalili ovaj debitantski roman, opisujući ga kao nežnu, uvrnuto-zabavnu priču o ljubavi i strahu, seksu i samoubistvu, uspomenama i mašti. Po ovom romanu Sofija Kopola je snimila svoj debitantski film (The Virgin Suicides).
Kultni prvi roman dobitnika Pulicerove nagrade za književnost Džefrija Judžinidisa impresivna je, duhovita i nežna priča o kratkom životu pet zanosnih sestara Lisbon, koje jedna za drugom oduzimaju sebi život u toku samo jedne godine. Spajajući najobičnije s najjezivijim i duhovito s tragičnim, Judžinidis daje živopisan i ubedljiv portret mladosti i izgubljene nevinosti.
Džefri Judžinidis
Izdavac : BOOKA,2011
Kritičari su odmah nahvalili ovaj debitantski roman, opisujući ga kao nežnu, uvrnuto-zabavnu priču o ljubavi i strahu, seksu i samoubistvu, uspomenama i mašti. Po ovom romanu Sofija Kopola je snimila svoj debitantski film (The Virgin Suicides).
Kultni prvi roman dobitnika Pulicerove nagrade za književnost Džefrija Judžinidisa impresivna je, duhovita i nežna priča o kratkom životu pet zanosnih sestara Lisbon, koje jedna za drugom oduzimaju sebi život u toku samo jedne godine. Spajajući najobičnije s najjezivijim i duhovito s tragičnim, Judžinidis daje živopisan i ubedljiv portret mladosti i izgubljene nevinosti.
Feb 14, 2011
Radiohead - new album
Radiohead are releasing their new album 'The King Of Limbs' on Saturday (February 19).
The band announced the news on their official website, Radiohead.com, this morning (February 14). It is available to order online at Thekingoflimbs.com.The record will be available as a download from Saturday, then released physically on May 9 as what the band are billing as a 'newspaper album'.
The 'newspaper album' package will contain 'The King Of Limbs' on CD, two 10-inch vinyl records and artwork sheets. Those who buy the set will also receive the album as a download on Saturday.
The name of the new album relates to an oak tree in Wiltshire's Savernake Forest, thought to be around 1,000 years old. The forest lies around three miles away from Tottenham House, a listed country house where Radiohead recorded part of 'In Rainbows'.
The tree is a pollarded oak, referring to an ancient technique for harvesting timber for fencing and firewood. The phrase also appears in the 23rd chapter of the Qu'ran.
The band announced the news on their official website, Radiohead.com, this morning (February 14). It is available to order online at Thekingoflimbs.com.The record will be available as a download from Saturday, then released physically on May 9 as what the band are billing as a 'newspaper album'.
The 'newspaper album' package will contain 'The King Of Limbs' on CD, two 10-inch vinyl records and artwork sheets. Those who buy the set will also receive the album as a download on Saturday.
The name of the new album relates to an oak tree in Wiltshire's Savernake Forest, thought to be around 1,000 years old. The forest lies around three miles away from Tottenham House, a listed country house where Radiohead recorded part of 'In Rainbows'.
The tree is a pollarded oak, referring to an ancient technique for harvesting timber for fencing and firewood. The phrase also appears in the 23rd chapter of the Qu'ran.
Feb 13, 2011
Feb 12, 2011
Feb 11, 2011
Feb 10, 2011
PJ Harvey – Let England Shake (2011)
Mirniji, ali uznemireniji, nezniji, ali opominjajuci, harmonican, ali ispreturan...prelep album!!!
Patti Smith told The Guardian: "[I've been] listening to Polly Harvey's new song - she has this new song, 'The Words That Maketh Murder' - what a great song.
It just makes me happy to exist. Whenever anyone does something of worth, including myself, it just makes me happy to be alive. So I listened to that song all morning, totally happy."
Kay Kay and His Weathered Underground – Introducing Kay Kay and His Weathered Underground (2011)
Kay Kay and His Weathered Underground is an indie band started by Kirk Huffman and Kyle O’Quin of Gatsbys American Dream. Like Gatsbys, the band draws influence from a wide variety of musical genres. Though the band only has 3 official members, they have been known to perform with as many as 11 additional musicians on stage.
Kay Kay got its start when Gatsbys American Dream went on hiatus, shortly after the release of their 2006 self-titled album. Huffman and O’Quin had been writing songs together while on tour and brought in Huffman’s friend Phil Peterson to round out the group.
The band first released a handful of tracks for streaming on Purevolume and MySpace. These songs later appeared on a cassette single released by ECA Records in 2006.
Feb 9, 2011
Bright Eyes – The People’s Key (2011)
Although many musicians joined the band's rotating lineup, Bright Eyes was primarily the songwriting vehicle of Conor Oberst, a quivery-voiced Nebraska native who first attracted attention in 1994 -- when he was only 14 years old -- as the singer and guitarist for Commander Venus. Oberst proved to be a prolific musician, joining multiple bands (including Commander Venus, the Magentas, Park Ave., and Desaparecidos) while also co-founding Saddle Creek, an influential label that helped broadcast "the Omaha Sound" to a national audience. Nonetheless, he devoted most of his time to Bright Eyes, whose albums encompassed everything from folk to indie rock to electronica. Oberst eventually shifted his focus to the Mystic Valley Band in 2008, fueling rumors that he'd shelved the Bright Eyes project after ten years of activity.
Feb 8, 2011
Feb 7, 2011
The Iceman Tapes: Conversations with a Killer (Jim Thebaut, 1992+2001)
Iceman Tapes: Conversations with a Killer combines three documentaries about Richard \"The Iceman\" Kuklinkski, who confessed to killing a police officer. Footage includes confrontational interviews between Kuklinski and famed psychiatrist Dr. Park Dietz.
Feb 6, 2011
Feb 5, 2011
Dir : Athina Rachel Tsangari [2010]
Director Athina Rachel Tsangari worked with Giorgos Lanthimos on last year's much admired Dogtooth, and Attenberg has a similar humour and sexual frankness, though also displays a much lighter touch, giving the impression that Greek cinema could be providing curious delights like this for years to come. Newcomer Ariane Labed gives an exceptional performance which won her the best actress award at Venice this year.
Dir : Athina Rachel Tsangari [2010]
Director Athina Rachel Tsangari worked with Giorgos Lanthimos on last year's much admired Dogtooth, and Attenberg has a similar humour and sexual frankness, though also displays a much lighter touch, giving the impression that Greek cinema could be providing curious delights like this for years to come. Newcomer Ariane Labed gives an exceptional performance which won her the best actress award at Venice this year.
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