Feb 11, 2011

Josh T. Pearson – Last of the Country Gentlemen (2011)

Direktno iz Texasa, pevac pokojnog benda Lift To Experience objavljuje cudesno mracan i prelep album, sve je tu: Razocaranja, Poroci, Demoni, Izgubljenost, Usamljenost, Ljubav Prema Pogresnoj, Novi Smisao...

There are only seven songs on the album, an intensely personal and introspective album. This is Pearson (formerly known for his work with critically acclaimed Texas act, Lift to Experience) heading back into the recording studio solo for the first time since the band disbanded. Pearson’s work with Lift to Experience is well known, and perhaps the last vestiges of that former time bubble up to the top quite a bit in this record, but to speak generally, this album needs no formal referencing to his back catalog, nor to his hefty collaboration work since the band’s breakup. Pearson strips down the personality so omnipresent on The Texas-Jerusalem Crossroads and introspectively creates something gorgeous. Truth be told, the beauty is that this album doesn’t need an audience, nor is Pearson asking for any sort of evaluation, and that’s precisely what allows me to hover over this record without any sort of judgment with regards to musicianship or song development. Four of the tracks are over 10 minutes long and ramble deeply into the emotional ups and downs of a broken, rebuilt, broken, and rebuilt again human being. There are pounds of guts poured into every missed note and hushed strum of the album. Pearson moves into the artistic zone often throughout the meandering tracks, leaving any inkling of his listeners far, far behind, and discerning tastes are left to reap the benefits of his toil. The value here lies not in complexity or pop-star hooks. I’m not sure I can even categorize this into a specific alt-country or even straight-laced country genre. What is powerful is this indie-rock journeyman looking inside and battling his own demons.”

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