The Antlers expand upon their already distinctive voice with Burst Apart, an
inspired melding of complex electronic textures and acutely emotive song
craft. The eagerly awaited follow-up to 2009's critically acclaimed Hospice
was born out of an intensely collaborative process in which singer/guitarist
Peter Silberman, drummer Michael Lerner, and keyboardlst/multl-instrumentalist
Darby Cicci fully immersed themselves in sonic experimentation, working as a
tightly knit creative unit to fulfill a shared musical vision. Songs like the
shimmering "I Don't Want Love" and the languorous "Rolled Together" are lush,
nuanced, and uncommonly moving, seamlessly integrating accessible and
effective melodies with dynamiC, imaginative orchestrations. With its swelling
pulsebeats, Intricately crafted arrangements, and dreamy pop hooks, the
remarkably sensual Burst Apart sees The Amlers' ambition and artistry
ascending to an extraordinary new plane. "It's a record about moving forward,"
says Silberman. "Hospice was kind of all- encompassing for a while and this
record feels like us trying to figure out the way to move on from It. Not to
abandon it, but to keep it In its place and figure out what's next." Recording
began In September 2010 and then continued over a five-month span at the
Brooklyn-based band's studio in Bushwlck. Rather than bring in an outside
collaborator, the three musicians decided to pool their considerable skills
and produce the record e mlrely on their own. Tvo years spent touring behind
Hospice had left its mark on The Antlers. In addition to bonding the trio as
f.....ds and colleagues, all three had developed an increased Interest In
electronic music, what Silberman refers to as "music that keeps moving and is
kind of entrancing and expansive at the same time. Headphone music,music that
keeps you going while you're driving for 20 hours." The band's goal was to
draw upon those post- rock sounds while still employing classic songwritlng
structures, symbolizing ostensibly artificial qualities Into an organic pop
template to evoke a full panoply of feeling. While The Antlers' ardent passion
for musical exploration resonates throughout the album, It expertly sustains a
careful balance between the cerebral and the visceral. EpicIn aspiration yet
Intimate at its core, Burst Apart Is an astonishingly affective collection
that offers an exhilarating glimpse into The AntIers' Incandescent heart.